Tuesday, March 10, 2009


From reading a fellow Pennsylvanian's blog about handmade goods, I found an artist from Pittsburgh who made postcards out of recycled soda, beer and energy drink boxes. She (The Point) cut the cardboard in postcard-sized rectangles and they are perfect cards for another hobby of mine: Postcrossing.

You can find more of the The Point's works at Etsy.

This is very semi-food related, but I am excited by these postcards so I had to share. Tonight I am making a dessert so tomorrow there will be a recipe posted!


  1. Hi Hope! Thanks so much for posting The Point's postcards! Jody is such a sweetie and her items are a really great way to add a little extra touch to your correspondence.

    I'm so glad to have found your blog - I'll definitely being checking out your kitchen escapades :)

    tara - handmadeinpa.net

  2. I'm so glad you like them! Thanks for the post :)

  3. These are so cool! What a clever idea!! Postcrossers are going to LOVE these!

  4. Thanks for your postcard. I got hungry browsing your blog, so I'm off to my kitchen.

    Thanks, Mick.
